Train punctuality at its best since 1992

91.5 per cent of train services arrived on time in the last year.

91.5 per cent of train services arrived on time from 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010.

Network Rail took control of Britain's Rail infrastructure in 2002, when train performance was at 78.6 per cent.

For the first time ever, from1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010, over 91 out of every 100 trains have been on time, beating regulatory targets.

Robin Gisby, director of operations and customer services, said: "This has been accomplished through the sheer hard work and determination of tens of thousands of rail staff across the country working for both Network Rail and the train operators."

"But we are far from complacent and realise that passengers’ still experience some delays, albeit much less often than in times past. Our focus in the years ahead will be to drive performance to even higher levels with particularly attention given to reducing the number of very late services."

Further information:
Network Rail

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