Information to be published includes number of accidents at camera sites before and after cameras were installed
Local authorities and the police are to publish full information about speed cameras for the first time.
Information to be published includes the numbers of accidents and casualties at camera sites, both before and after cameras were installed.
English highway authorities are required to either publish or ensure publication of site by site casualty, collision and speed information for permanent fixed camera sites as soon as practical.
The information should usually include annual collision and casualty data back to 1990 for the numbers of killed and seriously injured people and for all personal injuries. Local authorities which support camera enforcement financially should also ensure that a deployment strategy is published.
Police forces are to publish the number of prosecutions arising from each permanent or long term temporary fixed camera site in their area each year, along with the total number of offences recorded by all cameras and the total numbers of offenders given a fixed penalty notice, or taken to court and the numbers of people opting to complete speed awareness courses.
The Department for Transport will set up a central hub providing links to local websites where the information is published.
Road Safety Minister Mike Penning said: "We want to improve accountability and make sure that the public are able to make informed judgements about the decisions made on their behalf."
"So if taxpayers' money is being spent on speed cameras then it is right that information about their effectiveness is available to the public."
Further information:
Department for Transport
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