Making sense of the oil crisis of 2007/8 throws up lessons THAT should be learned and acted upon by all concerned – not least the transport industry and the government

It has been estimated that transport telematics infrastructure developments could, over a ten year period, create a potential market of €1 billion to equip 20.000 km of European motorways; €1 billion to equip 85 European cities; and the market for in-vehicle equipment could reach €6 billion a year

Rt Hon Ruth Kelly, MP, Secretary of State for Transport celebrates the anniversary of what was a major step forward into the modern era of travel

Continuing his campaign to reduce the UK's dependency on expensive oil, Gordon Brown signals the biggest revolution in the way Britons drive since the development of the internal combustion engine

Eight East Midlands council's, one East of England council and the Highways Agency have joined forces in a major new venture to improve the design and delivery of highways projects and drive through efficiency gains

Initial controversy surrounding the digital tachograph has largely died away, after an extraordinarily difficult delivery from the legislative process and an angry reception from many road hauliers. But more controversy may be on the way as it moves into a new phase

The dramatic rise in the price of oil over the last two years, culminating in the eye-watering increases over recent months, has had an alarming impact on anybody driving a car or running a truck. Geoff Dossetter of the Freight Transport Association says the Government must take action

Telematics Update's editor, Thomas Hallauer, finds out how the telematics-insurer partnership can make telematics not only palatable, but also downright exciting for the fleet underwriting sector

“Blindingly obvious! - how we can make public transport accessible for everyone” was the title of the session chaired by ITS United Kingdom, ITS (UK), at the recent ‘Moving On’ Conference 2008 hosted by Merseytravel in Liverpool

European Transport Commissioner Antonio Tajni answers Transport Business’ questions about the main issues affecting road transport within Europe, toll schemes and targets for reducing carbon emissions
