Coventry's streets are set to benefit from £64.3 million in Private Finance Initiative investment, Transport Minister Rosie Winterton has announced.The funding will allow Coventry City Council to secure private sector partners in a joint project to upgrade nearly 30,600 streetlights over the next 25 years.Rosie Winterton said: "Experience shows that better streetlighting helps improve road safety, as well as reducing crime and the fear of crime. It is also helps create happier and healthier local communities by promoting social inclusion and more sustainable patterns of transport by encouraging people to cycle and walk. I am very pleased that Coventry is using PFI arrangements to deliver real benefits to motorists, pedestrians and all road users alike."
The next stage in the process is for the Council to discuss with potential partners how the work will be undertaken. When this is complete, work could start in 2009.
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